Dr. Wael Berro

Dr. Wael Berro

Welcome to the official website of Dr. Wael Berro. Dr. Wael Berro has dedicated his life to coaching health and wellness. A strong believer in mental health advocacy, Dr. Wael Berro can offer advice that can help anyone calm their thoughts and lessen their struggles with anxiety. On this website, the doctor will regularly update his blog to provide self-help health tips and discuss some of his many passions outside of healthcare. These passions include cooking, sports & fitness, and travel.

A Look at The Background of Dr. Wael Berro

Dr. Wael started his educational journey when he graduated from American University of Beirut in 1999. He graduated with an honours degree in public health. Dr. Wael Berro then went on to pursue a master’s degree in health management at London School of Economics & School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the UK.

In 2001 , Dr. Wael Berro decided to move to Ireland where he was able to earn another honours degree in medicine and complete residency programs in both internal medicine and family medicine. By 2016, Dr. Wael Berro decided to move to Dubai where he worked in different hospitals as a family medicine consultant and then a medical director. Today, Dr. Wael Berro has leveraged his vast experience to start a company as a health coach where he focuses on wellness with a holistic approach. His education and his many jobs in his career have proven how interconnected each facet of a person’s health is – and why physical, mental, and emotional needs should all be considered in a general health plan.

Dr. Wael Berro on the Importance of Self-Care

People across the globe struggle with burnout or feeling unfulfilled. Dr. Wael Berro believes proper self-care can help revert these issues. A proactive self-care routine can build self-esteem, help a person feel more confident at work, and reduce any general feelings of stress or anxiety. The key is to consider all aspects of self-care in order to become a more well-rounded and healthier person.

One of the more neglected facets of emotional self-care is emotional self-care. Many people grow up in environments where they do not learn the skills it takes to process emotions, discuss feelings, or cope with loss. A person is given a great sense of comfort when they learn how to process emotions in a healthy way.

Dr. Wael Berro will commonly work with people who find themselves easily triggered by the moods of others, suffering from mood swings or dealing with feelings of shame or unworthiness. Some of the practical lessons that people may leave a session with Dr. Wael Berro may leave with is a journaling habit, a regular meditation routine and an ability to practice gratitude on a daily basis. If there is just one lesson Dr. Wael Berro can teach anyone working on their emotional health it is to remain ever vigilant of how a person speaks to themselves. Negative self-talk can be very unhealthy. Treating oneself with a level of grace and respect can quickly boost mood and overall happiness.

When it comes to physical self-care, the best treatment often varies based off of what a person does for a living. For instance, a worker who is sitting behind a computer screen every day will likely be instructed to go for long walks and incorporate stretching routines into their daily habits. If a person works a more physically demanding job, they may be tasked with practicing yoga or finding ways to properly rest and recuperate. Physical self-care goes beyond regularly attending a gym. It can be something as simple as taking time to enjoy a relaxing bubble bath or getting a massage to help a nagging back injury. Depending on a person’s lifestyle physical self-care can be as elementary as brushing one’s teeth, showering daily, and taking the time to do one’s hair. Anything a person does to better their physical appearance is a form of physical self-care.

Dr. Wael Berro believes more patients seek him out for help with mental self-care than any other form of self-care. Mental self-care encompasses all things done to stimulate the mind and create a healthy psyche. A common misconception is that this will lead to a mental state of never-ending joy. This is not realistic, but what mental self-care can do is provide a person with the tools they need to handle emotions in a healthy and positive way. Sometimes, the brain simply needs a break from worry and stress. Whether it is getting lost in a good book or heading out for a walk in nature to take in the beauty of one’s surroundings, it’s important to detach from technology every now and then.

In future blog posts, Dr. Wael Berro will dive deeper into other forms of self-care like social self-care and spiritual self-care. Once a person gathers a mindset for prioritizing their health, amazing results can be achieved. Dr. Wael Berro appreciates you visiting his website and looks forward to offering guidance that can help anyone looking to live a happier and more fulfilling lifestyle.